
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

my favorite things ii

Several years ago for the July 29, 2009 Writing Wednesday I posted a few of my favorite things. If Oprah can do it, so can I. Unfortunately, I’m not at the point in my life where I can give my favorite things out to everyone. Stay tuned. It will happen one day. Until then, here’s a list of what I’m digging right now.

Leonid McGill series by Walter Mosley. I thought nothing could compare to the Easy Rawlins series which features “Devil in a Blue Dress” and 10 other books. Then I read “The Long Fall.” There are a total of four books in this series so far, and I plan on reading each one. I still love me some Easy Rawlins, but I hear Mosley is done with the series. That’s fine with me. I’m team Leonid now.

52 weeks of Memories: Weeks 1.2., 2.2. and 3.2

I haven’t written about my memories in a few weeks, but that doesn’t mean they were non-existent. The start of January means my dry run on this challenge is over. Now it’s time to really play the game and make some memories.

It was all about experiencing a new restaurant Week 1.2. My play cousin suggested the LCR lunch crew and I have lunch at this fairly new restaurant called Ray’s. They had corn nuggets. Sweet. Delicious. Corn nuggets. I was instantly a fan. Ray’s kind of reminds us of our former favorite lunch spot McAlister’s. Sadly the local store closed. Ray’s however is a nice substitute. I was getting tired of Moe’s and Yum’s, our other two regular spots. We ate lunch at Ray’s on a Wednesday and again on Friday. I plan on taking my shero, the chief of police, to lunch sometime soon. I’m suggesting we go to Ray’s.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

the apple remedy

Apples are the best remedy.
We’ve all heard the old saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” It wasn’t until recently I learned how true it is. A pain in the behind medical condition, literally and figuratively, forced me to see the doctor last week. I was told to come to the appointment fasting because blood work might be required. Bright and early Friday I made my way to the doctor who checked my symptoms and made a diagnosis. Unfortunately I also got a shot in my hip. Thankfully I was given an oral prescription for the rest of the antibiotic (at least until Monday when I have to get another shot).

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The ultimate blocker

Blocker– block·er, noun, /ˈbläkər/ blockers, plural definition: A person or thing that blocks, in particular. definition: The person who blocks the progress of any “play” when a man is trying to talk to and flirt with a woman.

For years I have unjustly declared my father the ultimate blocker. Everyone wants to date the son of a preacher man, but such is not the case for the daughter. Numerous guys, real or imagined, were too afraid to pursue me because my father is a pastor (or maybe because they didn’t even know I was interested). Well there’s a new ultimate blocker in town and her name is MOMMY!

Monday, January 2, 2012

52 weeks of memories: week 8

I concluded my dry run of 52 weeks of memories with a New Year’s Eve party/bday celebration at la casa in Lake City. The evening began with dinner at Red Lobsters, granted about an hour later than planned. I left my parents’ house about three hours behind schedule. We love some cheddar bay biscuits in my crew. We laughed and joked and got to know one another. Oh yeah and we ate a lot of seafood.