
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

the bad week

I wish I was only having a bad day.
Every now and then we all have a bad day. From sunup to sundown nothing seems to go right. Usually you can take solace in the fact that everything will be better tomorrow (you can bet your bottom dollar). But what happens when it’s a longer period of time, like a week? I’m having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week. Not an hour. Not a day. A whole week.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Smarter than a fourth grader

Math has never been my forte. It especially went downhill after I stopped taking piano lessons in high school (playing a musical instrument enhances your math skills).  I’ve always been more of a words kind of girl. Long as I know the basics – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division – I’m just fine. And if nothing else I can figure out elementary school math. Or so I thought.

Rita made this design. I had to figure out how it looks rotated 90 degrees and then flipped. Who cares Rita?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Reunion Buddies Wanted

Sorry that my Writing Wednesday posts were on hiatus for so long. I was sick, on spring break and a tad bit lazy. Now I’m back. I owe the WW pot at least $100. No more breaks are planned for the future.
Coming soon to a writer near you...

Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday I was a goofy high school freshman. Now I’m a goofy adult. Several weeks ago I was telling my friend, Ebonita, how 2012 marks five years since we’ve graduated from college. It made me think of another approaching milestone– our 10 year high school graduation anniversary in 2013. At first I was all excited because that means a class reunion is coming. Then I realized I need a reunion buddy. Reunions are no fun without one.