
Monday, November 26, 2012

the ghost writer

Recently I was asked by one of my dad's friends to edit a Lenten devotional featuring writers from within their church association. Devotionals were due to me Nov. 11. Guess which writer has yet to turn one in. Yes, my own dear old dad. I've been bugging him about his devotionals for more than a month but to no avail. His excuse is being too busy. Yeah right. Just because you pastor a church, serve as moderator for a church association and as a vice president for the state convention doesn't mean you're busy. Well maybe just a little.

Being the wonderful daughter I am, and an opportunist, I refuse to let him go down as the moderator who didn't contribute anything. So yours truly is going to ghost write his two devotionals. I'd like to think I'm fairly qualified. Once upon a time I used to send out humorous devotionals to people via e-mail. They were usually centered around some Bible passage I had read that day. Although humorous in nature, each devotional featured a message about God's grace and mercy. Also I grew up in the church which gave me a strong spiritual foundation. And I studied journalism which helped me hone my skills as a writer. Put those two traits together and you should have at least a decent devotional writer.

 I'll write the devotionals, let my dad look over them, have him make any suggestions for changes and stick his name on the final copy. My theory is it will be so good that everyone will know I wrote it (not because my dad is a bad writer). He can't hold ice water and will surely tell someone. They'll tell someone else, and soon it will spread like a wildfire. That's a good thing for me. For year's I've been joking that I am going to start a sermon writing business. For the the low, low price of $59.99 I will ghost write a customized sermon for any occasion complete with an introduction, closing and three solid points. Some preachers need all the help they can get. Perhaps the devotionals will be the boost I need to get my business, Never on Sunday Customized Sermons, up and running.

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