
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Party Planning Woes Part V

The next morning Mya and I had the following text conversation:

Mya: I woke up to screenshots of your conversation with Lynn.

Me: OK. Personally I feel like $150 is not asking for too much. She knew it would have been at least that much from initial planning. And to have the audacity to call me rude and unprofessional! If that ain’t the pot! We were supposed to plan this together and she went ghost for several months despite repeated attempts to contact her. I am not the one for her to try.

Mya: OK calm down.

Me: Lol I am calm. If not I would have cussed her out in my response back but I didn’t and asked what she could contribute.

Mya: Well I see both sides. Before she text you we talked for about an hour and I told her she could stay at the girl’s house.

Me: If you make concessions for one you need to do so for all.

Mya: Because she is flying from the other side of the country. No one else is paying $700 to get to the party either or the wedding. Sometimes you really have to take others situations into consideration. Now if someone is coming with us from Jax, they should stay home. I’m sure none of the ladies attending the party would be upset because she is not paying the $150 because if they were in the same situation the same would apply.

Me: So she’s paying twice to get to the wedding and the party because I was under the impression she was going to be there that week before anyway which is why the date was even set.

Mya: At the moment Lynn has others to return to LA on that Monday.

Me: In that case I say the whole thing should be in Jax the week of the wedding if you’re really trying to be fair. Not once was any of this mentioned the whole conversation. I’m not a mind reader.

Mya: That’s not fair to ME. I have to work and I have things planned. This is happening 11/1.

Mya: From our conversation the $150 covers the hotel and Sea World

Me: And other things.

Me: Well at the end of the day I already asked her what she can contribute to the weekend.

Mya: That must have been after you told her that it wasn’t a la carte lol

Me: Clearly she didn’t send you all the screenshots.

To be continued ...

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