
Friday, January 2, 2015

Reading habits

Tracking my reading has become somewhat of a habit over the last two years. An avid book lover, such as myself, needs someplace to record what she has read in a year. I use Goodreads because it allows you to set a yearly reading goal.

I started with a goal of reading 104 books in 2013. I actually exceeded that goal by more than 20 books. My list it was filled with fiction ranging from mysteries to romance novel. Adding the Kindle app to my phone and laptop is what really pushed me way over the goal. Getting an actual Kindle for Christmas was also a game changer. The Kindle is perhaps the best thing since sliced bread.

Sadly I didn't make my goal for 2014 - 140 books. Life happened, and I had a period of inactivity regarding reading (and apparently everything else in my life). I think I finished with a little more than 132 books. That wasn't too bad.

My goal for 2015 is to actually read 140 books. That averages out to about three books a week. Really that should be a cake walk for me. I don't watch TV that much, and love to spend my time reading.

Mainly I read historical romance novels, but this year I want to incorporate other genres. Woman can not live by romance alone. But I do so love reading a tale or two about a dashing duke, magnificent marquess or valiant viscount. Alas, I must make it a habit to expand my reading horizons.


  1. Impressed!! I could read 200 books easy peasy before I got my laptop but now sadly it has taken over a lot of my reading time :(

    1. I try to limit my Internet time because I will get sidetracked reading different articles.
