Sunday, December 30, 2012

The best birthday gift ever

An example of the journal
There's just something about a good gift that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Now I do so enjoy giving them, but I also enjoy receiving good gifts. I love it when friends and family pick out something that really shows a thorough understanding of my likes. A few years ago a friend made me a bootleg copy of Roller Coaster Tycoon (we were in high school and broke). The other year my Secret Santa bought me a Clawdeen Wolf Doll. The birthday gift I received last year was my absolute favorite.

My good friend LP formerly known as LT bought me a journal for my birthday last year. It wasn't just any journal though. She saw a similar one in a store and personalized this journal by literally writing every day of the year in it. Basically the concept is I write one line every day in the journal to create a one year memory book. I love journals and often get them as gifts. Some are big, others are small. This one is the most unique. And I love it!

The other day I realized I was coming to the end of the year and suddenly felt sad. It was going to be the end of my one line a day journal. Then I noticed that after the year was over I would still have hundreds of pages left in the book. I can chronicle each day for at least two more years. This is like the gift that keeps on giving. Now I wonder if LP will write the days of the week for me again. She totally can re-gift this to me again.

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