Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Happy New Year to me

It's my birthday! The Lord has blessed me to see another year. I say my new year starts on my birthday considering it's so close to the actual start of the official calendar year. 

There were some ups and downs in 2015, but it was definitely better than 2015. I was actually happy this birthday instead of slightly depressed.

I always make a list of things to do by the next birthday. Let's just say I only ever accomplish about half of them. So I'm not going to list them publicly (but yes I keep a copy nearby)

It is my prayer that 2016 is even better than 2015. I want to be stronger, better, faster, smarter (no Kanye). Happy new year to me!

Do you feel like your birthday is the start of your new year? Or is that just me?

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